It was exactly a week and a day ago ie 7th November 2009 that I've accompanied PS to her school. Sekolah Kebangsaan Puchong Utama 2 (SKPU2) was celebrating it's Co Curiculum's Day for the last time in the year of 2009.

PS and her classmate, Athirah were in charge of selling titbits for collection of fund for their Kelab Doktor Muda aka Young Doctors Club.

Many other activities were organised on that day. One of them was the Jumble Sales by the Year Six students before leaving SKPU2 for the secondary school in 2010.

Another activities which caught my camera was the cooking competition which was held in the bicycle park.

So sorry that though there was an exhibition shown by the Kelab Doktor Muda but had forgotten to snap pix of it.

All of these pupils are getting ready for the signal from the teacher in charge to start the puzzle competition. PS signed up for it too.

PS and Athirah were trying hard to figure out what's the next piece to fit in.

C'mon PS and Athirah, it's almost there to the finishing line.

Finally, after the long awaited moments, both of them got the puzzled being fix as one for Strawberry Short cake, phew.....

PS and Athirah took the opportunity to snap with one of the teacher too.

Not missing out the parent and teacher shot for rememberance since the year is coming to an end.

Lots of prizes to be given out for winners of the day.

Closing ceremony plus prize giving session. Pupils are excited to wait for their names being called out.
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