IOI GSC had moved from old to it's new wing. Normally, I disliked going to the cinema but because of the new environment therefore, I've decided to accompany HB and PS for at least one time for a movie on last Saturday. With much co incident, the most talked about movie or rather much awaited movie is also screening '2012'.

Patrons for 2012 were entitled for a free tote bag with the purchase of combo popcorn and drinks.

Watching a movie in the cinema wouldn't be complete without the popcorns and drinks. And because PS longed for the tote bag hence we bought the combo which has the free tote bag. It was the large popcorn and two drinks which amount RM8.50

The movie 2012 was screen in Hall 2 therefore we waited for the number screen to changed to it's respective number.

As the escalator brought us up, Hall 2 was just ahead of us.

PS was directing HB it's way and also commenting the new environment of GSC

Only a handful of patrons were in the Hall due to the early time.

The movie 2012 started at 3pm and lasted till 5.40pm. Huge crowd were leaving the IOI Mall using the escalator.It was a nice movie but because of the extremely loud speakers, it ended with me having headache till the following Sunday.I told HB and PS that it's the last time that I'm going to the cinema.
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