Photos were still in black and white in 70's. None owns any camera at home. Probably,couldn't afford in that era.

Need to snap a pic ? Have it done in the photo studio. Parents will always take their kid to the photo studio in the olden days for a snapshot.The best that I could find. It was a sample photo by the indication of number stamp on it.

Thing changed in 90's. Parents got to own camera and the pic was coloured too.Need not to wait till the child grows up . Pic taken anytime and anywhere. Newly born baby in the pic taken a few days after birth.

We can't predict the future as who will we marry and be our child when we grew up. The three of them in the pic are family. Father, Mother and Child.

Everyone has grown up. Now, the picture looked more clearer.HB is the dad, TK is the mom and finally, last but not least, PS the child in the family. It is indeed "A Small Happy Family" !!!!!
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