Historic Malacca have countless tourist from all over the world coming to see the heritage trail. The beca (trishaws) are filled with colourful decorations and music too. All you need is to pay and the beca will then do their tasks by taking you around to see the beautiful sights of Malacca.

Look at the row of 'beca' from a far view. This also shows the numbers of tourists which are found in Malacca.

Sorry for the blur pic because it is taken from a painting inside a museum. I've to snap this old painting of malacca river during the 14 centuries to show the difference in changes as it is today.

Nowadays, Malacca river looks clean and the water is quite clear compared to ten years or more ago where the water was dirty and smelly.

Malacca is well known for its historical sites therefore most of the places in Malacca is under UNESCO with heritage trail all over the corners. As plan on last Friday, HB drove us to Malacca (MIL's place). On the following day, HB took PS and I around Malacca town to look around. Actually, our main purpose was to visit 'Istana Kesultanan Melaka' because PS had just studied about the topic in school. By visitting the 'Istana Kesultanan Melaka' herself, would give her a better understanding about the whole idea of how Malacca was formed.Seeing PS reading the notes written on the board indicated the interest in her. Parents should use this format into helping their kids with their understanding in their studies.Practical goes along with teory.

After paying the admission of RM2.oo each for adult and fifty sen for student , we headed for the front entrance of 'Istana Kesultanan Melaka'. Before reaching the front entrance, I managed to snap the side view of the Museum as above. To upkeep its cleaniless when entering the place, plastic bag was given at the ticketing counter requesting to place our shoes into it. We saw a row of shoes racks at the side of the stairs and didn't bother to put our shoes inside the plastic bag to carry inside with us. To avoid from carrying the used shoes therefore, we left our shoes on the shoes rack.When we've done with the museum, our shoes are still there waiting for its owner to claim.

You'll know that you have reach the entrance for 'Istana Kesultanan Melaka' once you see this as pic.

After visiting numberous of historic places in Malacca, it's already half past one showing on my watch and no wonder, everyone were feeling hungry. Hence, we walked towards Dataran Pahlawan's food court but the stalls doesn't look satisfying. HB and I then decided to walk further to opposite side of the road and which is also next to Mahkota Parade. There's the destination we intended to have our lunch. None other than Newton Food Court. If you haven't been there, I've snapped pic of it above and those of you which had known, enjoy your food!The fried oyster outlet next to the chicken rice is not bad after all. The vendor charged me RM8.00 for a small plate.That's definately KL pricing.
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