Gate T16 and departure time at 23.55hours to Perth,Australia for our school term break holidays. The flight took 5 hours to reach Perth airport from LCC Terminal ie 0515hours.

Australia arrival card to be fill before heading for custom.

Hoe Boon collected Hertz rented car as we were out from the arrival gate.

The Red Roaster fast food was found at any corner in Perth.

Scanning for any available wifi in the airport.

Enjoying the view while brekkie was served.

Brekkie in the airport

Inside Perth airport view taken from Level One aka Departure level.

Another view of the Perth airport.

The skies had brighten and we took shot outside the airport.

Piew-Sze took souvenir of the rental car while I went back to the airport to get help as a car was blocking from getting out
7th June
School holidays were almost over thus we took the 23.55hours flight to Perth for our holidays. Nearing this, none mineral bottle was allowed to board the plane though purchase after check-in. Due to the strict regulations from Australia government thus items are not allow to bring in the country too.
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