23rdOctober 2010
Another morning, I had woken up in Smart hotel, Jakarta. Breakfast will only be served at 9.00 a.m thus we utilized the time by taking personal photos.

PS simply likes to sit on the bar railing whenever she got hold of the chance.

High rises view once the curtain were drawn.

All geared up to start the day of exploring the city.

Not much traffic yet,early bird catches the worm.

Watching out for the car to walk across.

The air was fresh but polluted later of the day.

So peaceful and calm on the number of cars this hour.

The shopping complex wasn't fully operating yet.

Posing on the ground floor of Matahari Shopping Complex.

Break time at Honeymoon Desert outlet.

PS was waiting to enjoy the mango pudding in front of her eyes after the shot.

Ice skating rink under renovation.

Our lunches and turned out to be most satisfying.

Fish ball wrapped in wantan skin.

The restaurant were fulled of chinese adult and children. A birthday party was going on.

Birthday bash for a chinese boy whom turned one year old.

Bakmi GM, halal and most recommended place to eat after we had ours.

Hurry, this way please! The TransJakarta bus was approaching.
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