February 25th 2010
In Malaysia, kids which turn 12 years old must apply for their identity card ( I.C ) which is known as MyKad in malay.The regulations for applying IC can only be done on the date of birth or given 30 days grace period from the birthday of applicant.Thus those parents which fails to accompany their child to have their I.C process will receive a penalty.Items to bring along for applying for MyKad are original copy of Birth Cert and a photo copy of birth cert.

JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) logo.

After PS's extra class and shower, HB drove the both of us to JPN (1.2km from my house). Upon opening the door at 2pm, queue were formed to get their respective number. The number 1119 meant that there's 10 person ahead of me before my turn.Took PS to the neighbouring shop to have a quick bite. The counter were attending to number 1117 as I made my way back to JPN.

The JPN staff was friendly and commented that I wrote the actual postcode 47140 instead of 47100. She was browsing through the application form filled.

Front page of the form to fill in the applicant's name and address.

Applicant form was filled at the Mamak store while waiting for the roti canai to arrive.

Pix taken not satisfying therefore I took snap of two more as above.

This section is for the parents or guardian. After completion of the declaration, signature is needed as prove of parental relationship.

The flow chart of MyKad in JPN.

Replacement of lost I.C for 1st time RM110, 2nd time is RM210 and as follow is RM310. Penalty of late application at 12years old and after 30 days grace period is RM11.00

A slip will be given after the MyKad completion process.It then followed by snapping of photo at the last corner . After a month's time, applicant is able to own MyKad by bringing the slip to JPN for collection.Any representatives are allow to collect MyKad on behalf.
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