Day 3, 24th Aug 2009

Pix taken from my room. Crowd busily doing fish transaction as the day had brighten.

HB had prepared himself for the 2nd day island hopping with mineral water on hand. Our destination were Mabul and Kapalai Island. From the jetty to Mabul Island takes an hour. Hence, coming back from Kapalai Island to the jetty will be 2 hours journey.

The boat man which came to Semporna Island with his parents since young from Philipines.

One more pix as the boat left the jetty.

A proper life jacket compared to the first day which was without any buckle.

PS sat at the boat front as to her version of shading from the sun. I'm confused about that since there's hardly any shade on top of the boat.

Bajau Laut aka sea jepsey were spotted again living by themselves on the middle of the sea. Aren't they afraid of the tsunami???

Mabul Island could be seen from the boat. Reaching soon to it's destination.

Family photo on the boat in Mabul Island.

Husband and wife posing at Mabul Island.

Villages found at the back of Mabul Water Bungalow Resort.

Mabul Water Bungalow Resort's Beach.

After snorkelling in Mabul Island, it's finalize that the corals in Sibuan Island are more beautiful and colourful.

Lunch time on the boat.Fried rice were packed from the restaurant besides the Backpackers Lodge. The boat package to Mabul Island costs RM250, snorkelling set RM10 and from Mabul Island to Kapalai Island costs RM30 after negotiation from actual price of RM50.Hence, the total amount paid for the boat was RM290.

PS getting ready for Kapalai Island after her lunch.

Kapalai Resort at the back.

Nearer to Kapalai Resort view as PS and I posed for the pix.

Expensive bungalow in Kapalai Island.

Tourist doing their sunbathing on the bungalow balcony.

Beautiful row of bungalow of Kapalai Resort.

Reef fishes eating the bread crumb.

Waves are getting rough.

Kampung silt houses all along the sea.

Catch of the day for sale found at the back of Backpackers Lodge.

Gigantic buffer fish on sale with other fresh fishes. Many Japanese had died after consuming the buffer fish in Japan due to it's poison. Do you still dare to eat?

60km journey from Semporna Backpackers Lodge to Kunak town. What has it here?? It's the front Madai Caves. Activities of bird nests being collect in the Madai Caves.

The road leading to the Madai Caves was very steep. Coming back requires aplenty of energy. I needed HB to push me walking up the steep road. Out of breath!

We passed by the villagers and was told that the path was muddy and wet. It was dizzling too.

Eagerly walking down the road without any idea what has in front of us.

The journey to Madai Caves are getting closer. Kampung Madai houses were all wooden. Poverty around.

We were advised not to wear ordinary slippers into Madai Caves and it's not appropriate due to the muddy and wet path way.Hence, HB bought 3 pairs of adidas kampung shoes aka shoes with spikes meant for mountain climbing too from one of the grocery shop in Kampung Madai. The price was @RM8.00 each. Upon going in to the grocery shop, HB slipped and fell in his CROC sandals.

I bought one of the dodol ubi aka topiaca desert from the grocery shop at RM1.00 Later, found out that it's tasteless and not my cup of tea.

The rattan was meant to be used as a ladder to climb up to collect the bird nest in Madai Caves.

Started a few steps to Madai Caves.

These two boys aged 17 and 18 were our caves guides. Free of charge.

Using both hands to hold on to the railing. Afraid?? A bit!

Finally, we were at the caves entrance. It's dark and no idea the inside of it.

PS and I were inside Madai Caves.

HB joined PS and I for a pix.

One of the caves guide was helping PS with her steps out from the caves.

A different version of Jelly ice in Kunak town restaurant compared to Bazaar Ramadan in Semporna. Besides that, the pricing differs from RM1 sold in Bazaar Ramadan to RM3 being charged in the restaurant.
I hope, to get there for snorkeling next year...