Dr Jurina was the first attending doctor to see PS on her admission to hospital. Hold your horses! I know what's on your mind. Dr Jurina was not short. She was sitting down on her chair where PS and I were standing besides her. A kind nurse was snapping the shot for the three of us. It was during PS follow up treatment in Dr Jurina's clinic.Blessed was PS, everything went smoothly and PS needn't have to go back for follow up anymore.Three Cheers to PS!

A friendly chap,Dr Megat,the ENT consultant for PS. It was a week after discharged from hospital and PS going back for her follow up to see one of her attending doctor,Dr Megat. PS had the endoscopes (method of examining the nose by using camera attached to display the images on monitors) performed on the chair that she's sitting on.Very high tech system used in medical centre on this era.

The busy anaesthesia, Dr Loy which was indeed friendly, came to see PS and some encouragement of studying hard taking photo of rememberance.

Surgeon,Dr Yong with PS on her last day in the hospital.Hooray! PS was going back to home sweet home.

This is room 67A,first floor in Colombia Asia Hosp. The friendly nurse was holding Avamys Nasal Spray after spraying to PS due to her sinus. Avamys was not cheap with the charging price of RM90 by the hospital pharmacy. The room looked clean and tidy@ RM120 per night.Total stay was Apr 24th until 29th.Hence HB classified it as PS's five star hotel.

Up she goes onto the physiotherapy bed and waiting for the nurse to attend to PS. Another opportunity came for me to snap shot of PS in different angle. Oh no!PS was quick enough to cover her face. Seems to me, PS became camera shy. Too bad.

Experienced nurse patting PS on her back for 5 minutes.No,you're wrong.The nurse was not putting PS to sleep just like mothers patting their babies to bed but helped to release the phlegm from PS inside her body.After 5 minutes was over,PS needed to cough and thrown phlegm collected in her.I learnt something new from here too.Believe me, it works.

Floor looks shiny with maintanance twice per day.The physiotherapy room closes at 1700hrs.

Display of inpatient in Colombia Asia Hosp hung on the wall to help visitors to trace PS. Easy and convenient to look for the patient when it's considered the high end medical centre.So, wait no more, have you buy yourself or family medical card in order to stay here during times of emergency.You won't regret it!
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