12th Nov 2011
Last day of the trip, as usual, we had our breakfast for instant noodles in the hotel room. Then we hurried down to walk around Tianjin before we call it a 6 days trip in China. The big clock was situated nearby the hotel we stayed.

The tallest building in Tianjin.

The morning breeze was cold and windy.

Only the air was not fresh but dusty.

Funny smell along the river, smelled like urinate.

We posed for three times for this shot. HB's head could not be seen.

There's bridal wedding photos shooting down along the bridge.

The camera felt down during this shot because HB knocked against the railing.

Other scenic in Tianjin.

And more....

The cycling and driving lane are individually. Further down is Parkson Supermarket.

Tianjin's statue.

The sunlight was glaring but the breeze was colder than Beijing.

What was PS smiling at?

Where had all the vehicles gone to?

Famous dumpling in Tianjin. Located down the hotel.

The look of the dumpling shop.Clean and neat.

PS had chicken noodles soup as her lunch before we leave for the airport.

Tianjin Binhai International Airport.

Very neat airport.

Flight to Malaysia at 1550 hours, flight no D7313.Was an enjoyable trip!

PS was engrossed with the I Pad while HB felt asleep.

On board in Air Asia flight to Malaysia. Home sweet home!