HB redeemed two vouchers of RM50 from his Standard Chartered points. One of the voucher was for Tai Thong Restaurant whereby the other was for T.G.I Friday's. Not so keen dining at TGI Friday's but since PS been bugging to dine there so HB decided to allow her to try the food for her satisfaction.
Kids eat for free in regardless which day you dine at TGI Friday's. PS was not ready for her shot yet.

The kid's meal, recommended by the friendly waitor. Tasted nice.

While waiting for the food, PS was busy surfing from her handphone with the free WIFI.

Of course, HB never missed his chance in surfing too as I posed for PS to take shot.

The scene of the surrounding. It was crowded at the front part of the restaurant thus we were seated at the Italiannies, also the link chain to TGI Friday's.

Yeah, everyone loves Fridays.

Sizzling chicken and Shrimp @ RM33.90

South macoroni and cheeze @ RM 24.90

PS enjoyed the last bite of the kid's meal.

The total bill summed up to RM68.30 and after deduction of the RM50 voucher, including the 10% Service charge and 6% Gov Tax, we needed to pay RM29.25